Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Ask a manager 1

Ask a manager 1

Q This term we're going to try something a bit different. In these forums I'll be posting questions sent in to Alison Green, who runs a blog/ advice column called ask a manager ( Here's how it will work. In the initial forum prompt I'll post the question. I will then post the first response, in which I will copy her answer (this is where I'll link to the actual question). What I want you to do is post your response to the question and then post your response to her response (to my initial post in the forum). I'm not checking whether you agree with her, what I want you to do is think about what you do and don't agree with and why. I would also encourage you to check out some other stuff on her site. It's a good place for something thinking about going into business to spend some time.

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I work at a field office of a national nonprofit intermediary that provides financial and technical assistance to local community organizations. A week ago a coworker of mine told me that a representative from a community organization that we are funding had recently approached him with some disturbing news. Apparently, this organization had hired a consultant to help them work through some financial management issues. Unfortunately for the community organization, the consultant quit in the middle of the project.